If the Genetic Risk Factor for Autism is Heterozygous Wilson's Disease...

1. All newborns should be screened for this condition, and if found to be positive,then they should NOT be given today's current vaccines with high metal contents (except for the Hep B vaccine IF the baby's mother has Hep B). Also, PLEASE note that 1 out of 100 adults has one copy of this gene with NO symptoms. So this finding should not (and I pray that it will not) lead to an explosion of abortions, because finding that your child does have one copy of this gene doesn't mean that he or she has autism. What it would imply is that today's current vaccine schedule is probably too toxic and too excessive for your child, and he or she should NOT be vaccinated according to the current schedule.

2. Zinc supplementation really seems to help (both patients with WD and Autism). "Metallothionein concentrations increased by 1500% after zinc and 150% after penicillamine in Wilson's disease patients, with respect to controls who had negative endoscopy and Wilson's disease patients who were not treated. A significant correlation was found between metallothionein and duodenal zinc concentrations.
Zinc administration increases intestinal metallothionein in Wilson's disease patients. The blockade of copper absorption and its elimination in the stools on desquamation of the intestinal cells probably explains one of the mechanisms underlying the effect of zinc treatment. Despite normal endoscopy, Wilson's disease patients present increased mucosal iron concentrations similar to those in controls with duodenitis. Metallothionein may therefore prevent oxidative damage caused by metal toxicity." [2]

3. Also, Heterozygous Wilson's disease is believed to be a risk factor for Parkinson's disease, and this site (here) reports successful treatments for Parkinson's disease from using ethical adult stem cells. These stem cells are taken directly from the patient so there is no risk of rejection, and adult stem cells have already helped treat many conditions (unlike embryonic stem cells which have a high risk of tumor formation and genetic mutations. [1]) Here's one Parkinson's patient's personal story: Here. BUT I don't know if this could help patients with autism, so please don't try this without consulting a reputable doctor first.

UPDATE as of 4-12-09:

4. Some people have reported that Citicoline has been a helpful treatment for autism, which is very interesting as Citicoline has produced some very promising results for Alzheimer's Disease patients:

"The present data indicate that Citicoline (1,000 mg/day) is well tolerated and improves cognitive performance, cerebral blood perfusion and the brain bioelectrical activity pattern in AD patients. According to our results, it seems that citicoline might be a useful treatment in Alzheimer's disease, and that the efficacy of this compound is greater in patients with mild mental deterioration and/or bearing the epsilon 4 allele of the APOE." [3]

I find the association between Citicoline (a form of Choline) and autism VERY interesting because the following study found that aluminum "seriously worsened" learning ability AND led to "diminished cholinergic activity, which is a characteristic of Alzheimer's disease." [Here]

5. Other people have reported some very promising results from using IV glutathione pushes. The idea that this treatment would be helpful is quite logical since children with autism tend to have low levels of glutathione, frequent infections, and significantly elevated levels of toxins such as mercury and aluminum. Glutathione is required for both fighting viruses and excreting toxins.

6. For more information on treating autism, you may want to read Healing and Preventing Autism: A Complete Guide by by Jenny McCarthy and Dr. Jerry Kartzinel

IMPORTANT: Always consult a reputable doctor before making any medical decision. A good DAN! doctor should be able to advise which treatments would be best for a child with autism and the safest methods for applying these treatments.

[1] http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/06/080606102603.htm
[2] http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=1681752
[3] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10669911

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